The wording and storytelling workshop.


From enterprise, brand and product naming to defining customer relations, how brands and companies communicate is a fine craft. We are storytelling creators, language designers and curators. Words are our trade.

We associate strategic planning, storytelling and copywriting in order to imagine how a brand can position itself, to invent langage universes, brand names and create new user journey storytelling. And we do it in 26 native languages.


We want brands to have more staying power, so we make sure to stay ahead of the game in terms of new trends, we detect the weak signals of change and nuture insights that have a strong storytelling and experiential potential.

What we deliver
Idea hacking
Design thinking
Big ideas



In order to create strong and evocative brand names that truly tell a story, we had to shake up conventional naming habits. Welcome to story naming.

What we deliver
Brand / product name
Evocative semantic field
Sound universe
International cultural validation
Trademark & Digital availability
Domain name registration

03.Brand Wording

We create platforms and tones because having your own unique and crystal clear language is key to strengthening positioning and brand identity.

What we deliver
Brand platform
Brand storytelling
Langage book
Editorial guidelines
Customer relation guidelines


When it comes to pushing boundaries while convincing and reassuring the stakeholders, semantics is a labor of love and precision. Each and every word matters when you are trying to change minds and attitudes.

What we deliver
Talking points
Semantic audit
Position paper

05.Retail Wording

Both in shops and online, we set a common theme for our wording, in order to ensure that brand storytelling is a moment key point in terms of preference, customer choice and creating customer loyalty.

What we deliver
Customer journey storytelling
Product selection
Selling proposition
Packaging stories

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