Embarquement immédiat.

A5 travaille avec Brandimage depuis 2015 pour concevoir l’ensemble des éléments de langage de la marque Air France. 


More than just onboard comfort, we designed a destination experience that starts at the very first touchpoints. We wanted to turn every moment into a special moment of conversation.

Together with the Brandimage agency, A5 boosted the personality of the Air France brand, both on the ground and in the air, to offer each passenger a unique and unforgettable experience. Every word counts to create preference and contribute to the brand’s move upmarket.


What we delivered
– Co-designing the language book
– Defining brand personality
– Editorializing the customer journey
– Copywriting onboard messages and menus
– Naming the internal programmes
– Copywriting greeting messages in business lounges
– Copywriting advertisements for partners (Cité du Vin, Olympic Committee for the Rio Olympic Games, etc.)
– Naming of the future Air France TV channel.


Brand language that fits the Air France experience. The French touch all around the world.


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