Donnons ensemble une nouvelle vie à nos produits.
Pour accompagner la fusion entre Eco-Emballage et EcoFolio, acteurs majeurs du recyclage en France, Interbrand conçoit avec A5 la plateforme de marque du nouvel acteur.

Supporting the merger between Eco-Emballages and Ecofolio to create a strong brand in the circular economy.
A5 and Interbrand created the CITEO naming by combining citizen commitment to the city, economic performance and environmental performance. The circular economy emerged with a coherent platform to communicate and media that brings to life the merger between Eco-Emballages and Ecofolio. The Workshop designed the brand platform, the manifesto, the brandbook and turned used each different medium to convey a phase in the product life cycle. The highlight is a tagline designed as a rallying sign: ‘Together, let’s give our products a new life.’
What we delivered
— Strategic planning
— Naming
— Creating a baseline
— Storytelling for the circular economy
— Writing the manifesto
— Writing the brand journal
— Defining the language guidelines
— Designing and writing the communication

An innovative brand positing that is all about proximity and establishes Citeo as the benchmark player in recycling.